Laura’s Simplicity Edifies


” There’s a suit case.

One that holds samples of tid-bits

of memories

and of adventures of one’s life.

“Set it aside.”

the smile in your eyes tells me,

“dive into the pureness of life’s breathing laughter.. and smile.”

There are tracks,

consisting of those melodies that match

to explain the sounds of nature,

in which is our home,

and how we find the truths

behind why we’ve been allowed access to such a beautiful place.

We are human.

Oh, we.


Humans are we.


All.. living,

with breath in our lungs..

we survive.


sweet tender happiness in our voice.

I beg..

never vanish.

Will you?


You’re a thief!

Our voices fly through our times,

and you care less.


Oh Spirit,

the beauty we convey.

Hold it tight to the purpose,

and never let loose our secrets.

Live under your skin with the truth of things.

Listen to knowledge.

Hear his wisdom.


tell of his journeys to every ear which will welcome your voice.

Soften your words.

Speak clearly.

In harmony.

with love,

your keeper.  “

All of life coincides

With the light we wake. Like running into stone we run into the light.

This is how the truth in the air finds us and I love it.

If it takes stone in my eyes to show me knowledge

so I’ll have it.

Warm is learning on our teeth and lips.

Through these we spread ourselves.


Written on April 29th, 2011

Laura’s Simplicity breaths and I know Care Vannathan Light is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.